Pokemon Fire Red Cheats - Gameshark Codes Game Boy Advance

Use Pokemon Fire Red cheats to tweak your Fire Red game for extra fun and excitement. Cheats includes Codebreaker and Action Replay codes. PokeCoder2,007


Activating cheats may lead to different problems. This usually happens when your ROM version is not compatible with the activated cheat codes or enables too many cheats at once.

Check out our best practices to help you get started on your Pokemon FireRed cheating.

Item Modifier Cheats

The following Pokemon FireRed cheats are used to modify the items that you can get. The items can get from PokeCenter and by checking your PC or by visiting Pokemart.

Unlimited Rare Candy in PC (Cheat type: Code Breaker)Preview:

Cheat code:

82025840 0044Unlimited Master ball in PC (Cheat type: Code Breaker)Preview:

Cheat Code:

82025840 0001TM & HM Modifier (Cheat type: Code Breaker)Preview:

Instructions:Copy the cheat code 82025840 yyyy and replace yyy with the corresponding TM/HM id.

Example: If I want to have Dragon Claw, which is TM02, I would enter 82025840 0122.

Where to get the item:After activating the cheat, go to your PC and withdraw the item. Then, check your bag for the TM/HM.

Cheat code

82025840 yyyy0121 = TM01 Focus Punch0122 = TM02 Dragon Claw0123 = TM03 Water Pulse0124 = TM04 Calm Mind0125 = TM05 Roar0126 = TM06 Toxic0127 = TM07 Hail0128 = TM08 Bulk Up0129 = TM09 Bullet Seed012A = TM10 Hidden Power012B = TM11 Sunny Day012C = TM12 Taunt012D = TM13 Ice Beam012E = TM14 Blizzard012F = TM15 Hyper Beam0130 = TM16 Light Screen0131 = TM17 Protect0132 = TM18 Rain Dance0133 = TM19 Giga Drain0134 = TM20 Safeguard0135 = TM21 Frustration0136 = TM22 Solar Beam0137 = TM23 Iron Tail0138 = TM24 Thunderbolt0139 = TM25 Thunder013A = TM26 Earthquake013B = TM27 Return013C = TM28 Dig013D = TM29 Psychic013E = TM30 Shadow Ball013F = TM31 Brick Break0140 = TM32 Double Team0141 = TM33 Reflect0142 = TM34 Shock Wave0143 = TM35 Flamethrower0144 = TM36 Sludge Bomb0145 = TM37 Sandstorm0146 = TM38 Fire Blast0147 = TM39 Rock Tomb0148 = TM40 Aerial Ace0149 = TM41 Torment014A = TM42 Facade014B = TM43 Secret Power014C = TM44 Rest014D = TM45 Attract014E = TM46 Thief014F = TM47 Steel Wing0150 = TM48 Skill Swap0151 = TM49 Snatch0152 = TM50 Overheat0153 = HM01 Cut0154 = HM02 Fly0155 = HM03 Surf0156 = HM04 Strength0157 = HM05 Flash0158 = HM06 Rock Smash0159 = HM07 Waterfall015A = HM08 Dive

Potions and Revives in PCPreview:

How to use: Enter the cheat code 82025840 YYYY and replace YYYY with the equivalent item code. Go to PokeCenter and check your PC to withdraw items.Example: 82025840 0013 for full restore.

Cheat code

82025840 YYYY000D = Potion000E = Antidote000F = Burn Heal0010 = Ice Heal0011 = Awakening0012 = Parlyz Heal0013 = Full Restore0014 = Max Potion0015 = Hyper Potion0016 = Super Potion0017 = Full Heal0018 = Revive0019 = Max Revive

Misc items in PC (Cheat type: Code Breaker)Preview:

How to use: Enter the cheat code 82025840 YYYY and replace YYYY with the equivalent item code. Go to Poke Center and check your PC to withdraw items.

Example: 82025840 0103 for match bike.

Cheat code

82025840 YYYY00B3 = Bright Powder00B4 = White Herb00B5 = Macho Brace00B6 = Exp Share00B7 = Quick C law00B8 = Soothe Bell00B9 = Mental Herb00BA = Choice Band00BB = King’s Rock00BC = Silver Powder00BD = Amulet Coin00BE = Cleanse Tag00BF = Soul Dew00C 0 = Deep Sea Tooth00C 1 = Deep Sea Scale00C 2 = Smoke Ball00C 3 = Everstone00C 4 = Focus Band00C 5 = Lucky Egg00C 6 = Scope Lens00C 7 = Metal Coat00C 8 = Leftovers00C 9 = Dragon Scale00C A = Light Ball00C B = Soft Sand00C C = Hard Stone00C D = Miracle Seed00C E = Black Glasses00C F = Black Belt00D0 = Magnet00D1 = Mystic Water00D2 = Sharp Beak00D3 = Poison Barb00D4 = Nevermelt Ice00D5 = Spell Tag00D6 = Twisted Spoon00D7 = Charcoal00D8 = Dragon Fang00D9 = Silk Scarf00DA = Up-Grade00DB = Shell Bell00DC = Sea Incense00DD = Lax Incense00DE = Lucky Punch00DF = Metal Powder00E0 = Thick Club00E1 = Stick00FE = Red Scarf00FF = Blue Scarf0100 = Pink Scarf0101 = Green Scarf0102 = Yellow Scarf0103 = Mach Bike0104 = C oin C ase0105 = ItemFinder0106 = Old Rod0107 = Good Rod0108 = Super Rod0109 = S.S. Ticket010A = Contest Pass010C = Wailmer Pail010D = Devon’s Goods010E = Soot Sack010F = Basement Key0110 = Acro Bike0111 = PokeBlock C ase0112 = Letter0113 = Eon Ticket0114 = Red Orb0115 = Blue Orb0116 = Scanner0117 = Go-Goggles0118 = Meteorite0119 = Rm.1 Key011A = Rm.2 Key011B = Rm.4 Key011C = Rm.6 Key011D = Storage Key011E = Root Fossil011F = C law Fossil0120 = Devon Scope001A = Fresh Water001B = Soda Pop001C = Lemonade001D = MooMoo Milk001E = Energy Powder001F = Energy Root0020 = Heal Powder0021 = Revival Herb0022 = Ether0023 = Max Ether0024 = Elixer0025 = Max Elixer0026 = Lava Cookie0027 = Blue Flute0028 = Yellow Flute0029 = Red Flute002A = Black Flute002B = White Flute002C = Berry Juice002D = Sacred Ash002E = Shoal Salt002F = Shoal Shell0030 = Red Shard0031 = Blue Shard0032 = Yellow Shard0033 = Green Shard003F = HP Up0040 = Protein0041 = Iron0042 = Carbos0043 = Calcium0044 = Rare C andy0045 = PP Up0046 = Zinc0047 = PP Max0049 = Guard Spec004A = Dire Hit004B = X Attack004C = X Defend004D = X Speed004E = X Accuracy004F = X Special0050 = Poke Doll0051 = Fluffy Tail0053 = Super Repel0054 = Max Repel0055 = Escape Rope0056 = Repel005D = Sun Stone005E = Moon Stone005F = Fire Stone0060 = Thunder Stone0061 = Water Stone0062 = Leaf Stone0067 = Tiny Mushroom0068 = Big Mushroom006A = Pearl006B = Big Pearl006C = Stardust006D = Star Piece006E = Nugget006F = Heart Scale0079 = Orange Mail007A = Harbor Mail007B = Glitter Mail007C = Mech Mail007D = Wood Mail007E = Wave Mail007F = Bead Mail0080 = Shadow Mail0081 = Tropic Mail0082 = Dream Mail0083 = Fab Mail0084 = Retro Mail

Berries in PC (Cheat type: Code Breaker)Preview:

How to use: Enter the cheat code 82025840 YYYY and replace YYYY with the equivalent item code. Go to Pokemart and check your PC to withdraw items.

Example: 82025840 00AC for Apicot Berry.

Cheat code

82025840 YYYY0085 = Cheri Berry0086 = Chesto Berry0087 = Pecha Berry0088 = Rawst Berry0089 = Aspear Berry008A = Leppa Berry008B = Oran Berry008C = Persim Berry008D = Lum Berry008E = Sitrus Berry008F = Figy Berry0090 = Wiki Berry0091 = Mago Berry0092 = Aguav Berry0093 = Iapapa Berry0094 = Razz Berry0095 = Bluk Berry0096 = Nanab Berry0097 = Wepear Berry0098 = Pinap Berry0099 = Pomeg Berry009A = Kelpsy Berry009B = Qualot Berry009C = Hondew Berry009D = Grepa Berry009E = Tamato Berry009F = Cornn Berry00A0 = Magost Berry00A1 = Rabuta Berry00A2 = Nomel Berry00A3 = Spelon Berry00A4 = Pamtre Berry00A5 = Watmel Berry00A6 = Durin Berry00A7 = Belue Berry00A8 = Liechi Berry00A9 = Ganlon Berry00AA = Salac Berry00AB = Petaya Berry00AC = Apicot Berry00AD = Lansat Berry00AE = Starf Berry00AF = Enigma Berry

Pokemart items cost only 1$ (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)Preview:

Cheat code:

3C25A344 FD8F451CAD86124F 2823D8DAEXP ShareInstruction: Withdraw the items on your PC

82025840 00B6Wishing PieceHow to use: Enter the code and withdraw wishing on your PC.

82025804 0058

The following cheats can be used to modify a Pokemon

Pokemon IDsPokemon ID:

0001 = Bulbasaur0002 = Ivysaur0003 = Venusaur0004 = Charmander0005 = Charmeleon0006 = Charizard0007 = Squirtle0008 = Wartortle0009 = Blastoise000A = Caterpie000B = Metapod000C = Butterfree000D = Weedle000E = Kakuna000F = Beedrill0010 = Pidgey0011 = Pidgeotto0012 = Pidgeot0013 = Rattata0014 = Raticate0015 = Spearow0016 = Fearow0017 = Ekans0018 = Arbok0019 = Pikachu001A = Raichu001B = Sandshrew001C = Sandslash001D = Nidoran001E = Nidorina001F = Nidoqueen0020 = Nidoran0021 = Nidorino0022 = Nidoking0023 = Clefairy0024 = Clefable0025 = Vulpix0026 = Ninetails0027 = Jigglypuff0028 = Wigglytuff0029 = Zubat002A = Golbat002B = Oddish002C = Gloom002D = Vileplume002E = Paras002F = Parasect0030 = Venonat0031 = Venomoth0032 = Diglett0033 = Dugtrio0034 = Meowth0035 = Persian0036 = Psyduck0037 = Golduck0038 = Mankey0039 = Primeape003A = Growlithe003B = Arcanine003C = Poliwag003D = Poliwhirl003E = Poliwrath003F = Abra0040 = Kadabra0041 = Alakazam0042 = Machop0043 = Machoke0044 = Machamp0045 = Bellsprout0046 = Weepinbell0047 = Victreebel0048 = Tentacool0049 = Tentacruel004A = Geodude004B = Graveler004C = Golem004D = Ponyta004E = Rapidash004F = Slowpoke0050 = Slowbro0051 = Magnemite0052 = Magneton0053 = Farfetch’d0054 = Doduo0055 = Dudrio0056 = Seel0057 = Dewgong0058 = Grimer0059 = Muk005A = Shellder005B = Cloyster005C = Gastly005D = Haunter005E = Gengar005F = Onix0060 = Drowzee0061 = Hypno0062 = Krabby0063 = Kingler0064 = Voltorb0065 = Electrode0066 = Exeggecute0067 = Exeggutor0068 = Cubone0069 = Marowak006A = Hitmonlee006B = Hitmonchan006C = Lickitung00D6 = Koffing006E = Weezing006F = Rhyhorn0070 = Rhydon0071 = Chansey0072 = Tangela0073 = Kangaskhan0074 = Horsea0075 = Seadra0076 = Goldeen0077 = Seaking0078 = Staryu0079 = Starmie007A = Mr. Mime007B = Scyther007C = Jynx007D = Electabuzz007E = Magmar007F = Pinsir0080 = Tauros0081 = Magikarp

0083 = Lapras0082 = Gyrados0084 = Ditto0085 = Eevee0086 = Vaporeon0087 = Jolteon0088 = Flareon0089 = Porygon008A = Omanyte008B = Omastar008C = Kabuto008D = Kabutops008E = Aerodacty008F = Snorlax0090 = Articuno0091 = Zapdos0092 = Moltres0093 = Dratini0094 = Dragonair0095 = Dragonite0096 = Mewtwo0098 = Chikorita0097 = Mew0099 = Bayleef009A = Meganium009B = Cyndaquil009C = Quilava009D = Typhlosion009E = Totodile009F = Croconaw00A0 = Feraligatr00A1 = Sentret00A2 = Furret00A3 = Hoothoot00A4 = Noctowl00A5 = Ledyba00A6 = Ledian00A7 = Spinarak00A8 = Ariados00A9 = Crobat00AA = Chinchou00AB = Lanturn00AC = Pichu00AD = Cleffa00AE = Igglybuff00AF = Togepi00B0 = Togetic00B1 = Natu00B2 = Xatu00B3 = Mareep00B4 = Flaaffy00B5 = Ampharos00B6 = Bellossom00B7 = Marill00B8 = Azumarill00B9 = Sudowoodo00BA = Politoed00BB = Hoppip00CB = Skiploom00C8 = Misdreavus00C9 = Unown00CA = Wobbuffet00CB = Girafarig00CC = Pineco00CD = Forretress00CE = Dunsparce00CF = Gligar00D0 = Steelix00D1 = Snubbull00D2 = Granbull00D3 = Qwilfish00D4 = Scizor00D5 = Shuckle00D6 = Heracross00D7 = Sneasel00D8 = Teddiursa00D9 = Ursaring00DA = Slugma00DB = Magcargo00DC = Swinub00DD = Piloswine00DE = Corsola00DF = Remoraid00E0 = Octillery00E1 = Delibird00E2 = Mantine00E3 = Skarmory00E4 = Houndour00E5 = Houndoom00E6 = Kingdra00E7 = Phanpy00E8 = Donphan00E9 = Porygon200EA = Stantler00EB = Smeargle00EC = Tyrogue00ED = Hitmontop00EE = Smoochum00EF = Elekid00F0 = Magby00F1 = Miltank00F2 = Blissey00F3 = Raikou00F4 = Entai00F5 = Suicune00F6 = Larvitar00F7 = Pupitar00F8 = Tyranitar00F9 = Lugia00FA = Ho-oh00FB = Celebi0115 = Treecko0116 = Grovyle0117 = Sceptile0118 = Torchic0119 = Combusken011A = Blaziken011B = Mudkip011C = Marshtomp011D = Swampert011E = Poochyena011F = Mightyena0120 = Zigzagoon0121 = Linoone0122 = Wurmple0132 = Silcoon0124 = Beautifly0125 = Cascoon0126 = Dustox

0127 = Lotad0128 = Lombre0129 = Ludicolo012A = Seedot012B = Nuzleaf012C = Shiftry012D = Nincada012E = Ninjask012F = Shedinja0130 = Taillow0131 = Swellow0132 = Shroomish0133 = Breloom0134 = Spinda0135 = Wingull0136 = Pelipper0137 = Surskit0138 = Masquerain0139 = Wailmer013A = Wailord013B = Skitty013C = Delcatty013D = Kecleon013E = Baltoy013F = Claydol0140 = Nosepass0141 = Torkoal0142 = Sableye0143 = Barboach0144 = Whiscash0145 = Luvdisc0146 = Corphish0147 = Crawdaunt0148 = Feebas0149 = Milotic014A = Carvanha014B = Sharpedo014C = Trapinch014D = Vibrava014E = Flygon014F = Makuhita0150 = Hariyama0151 = Electrike0152 = Manectric0153 = Numel0154 = Camerupt0155 = Spheal0156 = Sealeo0157 = Walrein0158 = Cacnea0159 = Cacturne015A = Snorunt015B = Glalie015C = Lunatone015D = Solrock015E = Azurill015F = Spoink0160 = Grumpig0161 = Plusle0162 = Minun0163 = Mawile0164 = Meditite0165 = Medicham0166 = Swablu0167 = Altaria0168 = Wynaut0169 = Duskull016A = Dusclops016B = Roselia016C = Slakoth016D = Vigoroth016E = Slaking016F = Gulpin0170 = Swalot0171 = Tropius0172 = Whismur0173 = Loudred0174 = Exploud0175 = Clamperl0176 = Huntail0177 = Gorebyss0178 = Absol0179 = Shuppet017A = Banette017B = Seviper017C = Zangoose017D = Relicanth017E = Aron017F = Lairon0180 = Aggron0181 = Castform0182 = Volbeat0183 = Illumise0184 = Lileep0185 = Cradily0186 = Anorith0187 = Armaldo0188 = Ralts0189 = Kirlia018A = Gardevoir018B = Bagon018C = Shelgon018D = Salamence018E = Beldum018F = Metang0190 = Metagross0191 = Regirock0192 = Regice0193 = Registeel0194 = Kyogre0195 = Groudon0196 = Rayquaza0197 = Latias0198 = Latios0199 = Jirachi019A = Deoxys019B = Chimecho00BD = Jumpluff00BE = Aipom00BF = Sunkern00C0 = Sunflora00C1 = Yanma00C2 = Wooper00C3 = Quagsire00C4 = Espeon00C5 = Umbreon00C6 = Murkrow00C7 = Slowking

Wild Pokemon Modifier (💥Improved)Preview:

💥 NEW: Exciting update! We’ve upgraded the Wild Pokemon cheat! Now, you can easily choose a Pokemon’s level, max IV, gender, and nature. Check out the instructions below to get started.

Master code (Add this first as a separate cheat)

000014D1 000A1003DAE6 000783007CEE 000633007CF0 000A33007CF1 001F33007CF2 000233007CF3 0002Instructions: Add the master code first as a separate cheat. Using the example cheat code above, you can encounter a level 10 male Charizard with max IV and a modest nature. Feel free to modify and experiment with the cheat.

EE: Where 06 = Pokemon ID for Charizard (More Pokemon IDs above)F0: 0A = Pokemon Level 10F1: 1F = Max IVF2: 02 = Male || 01 = FemaleF3: 02 = Modest Nature

Wild Pokemon Modifier (For FireRed V1.0)Note: This cheat will work only for FireRed rom version 1.0.

Master code (Add this first as a separate cheat)

000014D1 000A1003DAE6 0007Pokemon encounter code:

83007CEE YYYYHow to use: Enter master code first as a separate cheat. Next, enter Pokemon encounter code, replace YYYY with the ID of the Pokemon you want to encounter in wild.

Wild Pokemon Modifier (For FireRed V1.1)Please Note: This cheat will work only for FireRed rom version 1.1. Sometimes, the cheat will work only for the first time. To fix the issue and to encounter another Pokemon of your choice, you have to delete all the cheats, save game progress, exit the game, and reopen the game again.

MASTER CODE 1 (Add first in a separate cheat as Action Replay)

3AF85ACA C4D18CEC8E883EFF 92E9660DMASTER CODE 2 (Add also this in a separate cheat as Action Replay)

4D83B1BF E0F5F5078E883EFF 92E9660DB6C5368A 08BE8FF490B4977C C0151DC2Pokemon Code (Code Breaker)

83007CEE YYYYHow to use: Replace YYYY with the ID of your chosen Pokemon. See Pokemon IDs above for a list of Pokemon and their IDs.Example: Add the code 83007CEE 0019 to encounter Pikachu.

Legendary Pokemon Encounter (Cheat type: Code Breaker)Preview:

For FireRed v1.0

MASTER CODE (Add this first)

000014D1 000A1003DAE6 0007For FireRed v1.1MASTER CODE 1 (Add this first)

3AF85ACA C4D18CEC8E883EFF 92E9660DMASTER CODE 2 (Also add this and leave enabled)

4D83B1BF E0F5F5078E883EFF 92E9660DB6C5368A 08BE8FF490B4977C C0151DC2How to use: Identify your ROM version, select the appropriate master code based on your FireRed rom version, and add the cheat code 83007CEE YYYY. Replace YYYY with the legendary Pokemon code id below.

Example: Add 83007CEE 0096 to encounter Mewtwo.

Cheat code

83007CEE YYYYPokemon code:

Articuno83007CEE 0090

Zapdos83007CEE 0091

Moltres83007CEE 0092

Dratini83007CEE 0093

Dragonair83007CEE 0094

Dragonite83007CEE 0095

Mewtwo83007CEE 0096






Mew (won’t obey)83007CEE 0097

Deoxys (won’t obey)83007CEE 019A

Entei83007CEE 00F4

Lugia83007CEE 00F9

Ho-oh83007CEE 00FA

Rayquaza83007CEE 0196

Complete Pokedex (Cheat type: Code Breaker)Warning: This cheat can cause various bugs, save progress before adding. Use it at your own risk.

Cheat Code:

4202462CFFFF0000003C000242025BA0FFFF0000001A000242028FC0FFFF0000001A0002No Random Battles (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)Cheat code:

D41DD0CA 33A629E58E883EFF 92E9660DObtain All 3 Starter Pokemon83000F9C 0000Only works when you start the game.


  1. Add cheat and turn it off.
  2. Go to the bushes and wait til Prof.Oak tells you don’t go out and once you go to the lab, go pick a Pokemon and say yes this is your choice, and then when it says give it a nickname turn on the cheat and move on to the next Pokemon without answering and click on the next Pokemon and turn off the cheat keep on doing the same. More helpful steps:The Pokemon Fire Red, all Pokemon starters cheat. Also works for Leaf Green. The code is:

83000F9C 0000How to do it:

  1. Reset the game if used. Put the code in right away, but TURN IT OFF.
  2. When you get to the choosing part, you need to go to any Pokemon on the table. When it says you received Bulbasaur, Squirtle, etc., Turn the code on and walk to the next Pokemon. Then turn the code off; when it says received, turn it on. Then walk to the last Pokemon.
  3. Do the same for the last Pokemon. Turn the code off when getting the last Pokemon.
  4. There ya go. You got all starters! Shared by: Nathaniel PerezMore additional information from Samuel, click here

Infinite PP (Cheat type: Code Breaker)Cheat code:

42023C08 636300000002 0002Shared by: Harris Z

1 Hit Kill (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action ReplayCheat code:

95EDFBBA A5A72A78C833D1A0 02FA7205Max Stats (Cheat type: Code Breaker)Preview:

1st Pokemon Maximum Stats

420242DA03E70000000700022nd Pokemon Maximum Stats

4202433E03E70000000700023rd Pokemon Maximum Stats

420243A203E70000000700024th Pokemon Maximum Stats

4202440603E70000000700025th Pokemon Maximum Stats

4202446A03E70000000700026th Pokemon Maximum Stats

420244CE03E7000000070002Pokemon Nature Modifier (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)How to use: Enter the cheat code and replace YYYYYYYY YYYYYYYY with the corresponding Pokemon nature identifier.

Example: (Adamant)AA3BB0ED 41CD5D955EB8DEEE 692ED298

Cheat code

AA3BB0ED 41CD5D95YYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYNote: Enable these codes before entering a battle.

D0E34D66 5796A7D3 = HardyD73BC50A 5F47AA0E = LonelyE485844D 2F24038C = Brave5EB8DEEE 692ED298 = Adamant83286B46 6479AA98 = Naughty35EB915F 08F33974 = BoldA58F6F1B BFB13FEF = Docile34027F23 7E7E1599 = RelaxedCDA2AB99 F89D5BB9 = ImpishD593BF29 E18AAAE5 = Lax1BC372C9 06B4D17F = TimidD4950A99 D729D80A = Hasty93F04759 F95753D9 = SeriousE9EC2CBF A7EDD4A7 = Jolly56F744B0 37E16732 = NaiveE1EB2109 4480C28D = ModestA2461E51 304137B6 = Mild0456554B 66D3AAF9 = QuietB05B4CCD A0A1505B = Bashful909149AB 2DE8726A = Rash31F62F82 D9A0C100 = Calm9A41D845 41B93FE6 = GentleD47DA721 6C3B9FFC = Sassy1A15BF1E E72650E4 = Careful5A7B2626 21ECD183 = Quirky

Wild Pokemon Gender Modifier (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)Always Female

EB34F751 A96B854D78DA95DF 44018CB4Always Male

EB34F751 A96B854D141BB87C 83D7018FWild Pokemon Always Have Max IV (Cheat type: CodeBreaker)Master Code

000014D1 000A1003DAE6 0007Cheat code

33007CF1 001FNote: I don’t know the Max IV code for starter Pokemon, egg and given Pokemon. If anyone here knows, please share. I don’t want to raise a Pokemon unless it has good IV and Nature, and good IV is a lot harder to get than good Nature

Shared by: Rick V

Shiny Pokemon Encounter (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)Preview:

Cheat code:

39584B19 D80CC66ACE71B3D3 1F6A85FB198DF179 5413C86773ECB8A0 BDD8B251D5AFFB37 6855972C73ECB8A0 BDD8B251Or (Alternative cheat code)

1670047D 04815C6818452A7D DDE55BCCInfinite EXP (Cheat type: Code Breaker)Mastercodes (Ignore “The cheat may not be applied to this game” alert message)

0000295F000A101DC9D40007830050000000830050020000Infinite Exp

74000130027D7300218C000182023D501388For this to work: in the Gameshark cheat list, enable the infinite EXP cheat when it says you receive your experience from the battle. This will start to level up your Pokemon and when you want it to stop, you have to disable the infinite exp cheat in you Gameshark cheat list.

Easily catch a Pokemon (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)Cheat code:

87ACF659 707466DC8BB602F7 8CEB681A(When this cheat is activated you will receive 100% catching rate for normal pokemon, for legendary pokemon it will increase too but not 100%)

Pokemon Level Modifier (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)Preview:

How to use:Enter the cheat code and replace YYYYYYYY YYYYYYYY with the corresponding LVL id code.

Example: (Encounter Lvl 100 Pokemon)754ED27A 8B1BEFEE56307399 25DF4466

Cheat code


Level 1: 8BB602F7 8CEB681ALevel 2: 00939804 4086FF3BLevel 3: 2BD38F05 D5A578B1Level 4: 5685B807 3787DACBLevel 5: A9E4EA45 3651CADDLevel 6: E37D365E D7EAB6ABLevel 7: 51374592 F7A27768Level 8: A08DD229 10D187E3Level 9: D84D4738 70F68A80Level 10: 4C6C2B8C CD0528EBLevel 11: 1F1785AC 433A6DC2Level 12: B4F6F07D 8F56BA40Level 13: E32BCCB1 07782CD6Level 14: D4ABF236 D713B4E0Level 15: 3CD3295F 921F1D1CLevel 16: B9C51F47 95395496Level 17: 784E8A1B 83A3E0EFLevel 18: 902D754C 80AFE55FLevel 19: 9D362B43 96A4D044Level 20: 8C434E48 F703A9E1Level 21: CC449941 F0BBB13ALevel 22: CEDDB323 FFA50BB1Level 23: 4688F12F FF9DBE10Level 24: F6DA2242 E2EDA644Level 25: 2D02A8EA 9B748C49Level 26: 9D2895EF 6A2BEE59Level 27: 1BB7262E 80989B57Level 28: 79693C0B A82C5A23Level 29: B98E773A D6E0D6ADLevel 30: A457FA67 BCD9C478Level 31: 881976CC 20B658FFLevel 32: 0073F88A 0A4E81B6Level 33: 792E7A0F F4BF8DDBLevel 34: 0965B686 64E170F2Level 35: C70600E8 789A0DACLevel 36: 0CF8B98B 706A26BELevel 37: 2E7A201E 5EDBDEE3Level 38: 9B169FF5 CBABA5A6Level 39: 7928BBA3 C55BBEABLevel 40: 155D7103 D66B8A15Level 41: 7B9DFCEF 830C6BDALevel 42: BA697C16 93D76910Level 43: CCED8F7A 8EC0F43CLevel 44: 58EAABBC FC3CA9C2Level 45: 710D8A2D 45E999F3Level 46: 2EC0F0EC 6B1A061FLevel 47: E951E67F BFD89E41Level 48: B743EDBF B82BB83ALevel 49: 4BF9418B EFC87C19Level 50: CBEB73A3 90A08906Level 51: 9818C0C6 E03F8431Level 52: 8A448A37 583B581CLevel 53: 1855C5A3 70B67919Level 54: 72898F14 3F2CD864Level 55: 3E7B9D1E 5CE7F0DCLevel 56: B62795CF CEAE6A48Level 57: 05858D31 D4449EFELevel 58: 314DD562 05A14AD1Level 59: 1DE20256 C4AB72E6Level 60: 202ABE52 BDC4E314Level 61: 8AA97E8E D5A80225Level 62: 8655EB8B 26823B03Level 63: ACFA01BA 15A282DCLevel 64: AFD8D98B 21E6E4D4Level 65: 1C2D3029 63D27E35Level 66: 23D312F1 77111159Level 67: 20999F30 F1874934Level 68: 51CF1F27 2E270374Level 69: 845807DF 2140D018Level 70: 628E474E E708D501Level 71: DF5B6268 4EC6A43ELevel 72: 7781E696 7D4D1BABLevel 73: 2390ED5B F7A08F55Level 74: FD22366B 83B5DB98Level 75: 39E224D9 232864F2Level 76: 2056B422 AB6E09BDLevel 77: 600E909B 524CA077Level 78: 2E14F003 6BE9DAB3Level 79: 287541CA 8951C140Level 80: 9675F502 DB139F05Level 81: BB099C03 1B03F256Level 82: 6DC87BB5 6FE8ACDDLevel 83: D82A82B0 CAB7DFD4Level 84: F738C6D5 A33DF2E1Level 85: FB80C720 E028C27ALevel 86: 1906A7C9 D7EBAA39Level 87: D31623FE 50011104Level 88: D052E037 C6886109Level 89: A4E99E04 BB9B2A8FLevel 90: 750CEC25 D42EAE36Level 91: 1CAC5FD6 92679660Level 92: A5CCA03B 7FED218ALevel 93: 08CBA806 AE4A2260Level 94: 722C0931 68DA1B05Level 95: 32DCE4F7 2ABBC366Level 96: 9F6EE1B2 D14F1E6FLevel 97: 095F268D 77B7D906Level 98: C2955A45 B3CBC610Level 99: FCEFE173 1DCCEB51Level 100: 56307399 25DF4466

In-Battle Ability Modifier (Cheat type: Code Breaker)How to use: During a battle, the cheat will replace any move of the slot with your chosen move. Select and copy the code of the ability slot number you want to replace with. Replace yyy with the corresponding move id code.

Example: In the screenshot above, I use the code 82023BF0 0009 to replace the first move slot with Thunder punch.

Slot 1

82023BF0 0yyySlot 2

82023BF2 0yyySlot 3

82023BF4 0yyySlot 4

82023BF6 0yyyMove ID Code

001 = Pound002 = Karate Chop003 = Double Slap004 = Comet Punch005 = Mega Punch006 = Pay Day007 = Fire Punch008 = Ice Punch009 = Thunder Punch00A = Scratch00B = Vice Grip00C = Guillotine00D = Razor Wind00E = Sword Dance00F = Cut010 = Gust011 = Wing Attack012 = Whirlwind013 = Fly014 = Constrict015 = Slam016 = Vine Whip017 = Stomp018 = Double Kick019 = Mega Kick01A = Jump Kick01B = Rolling Kick01C = Sand-ATtack01D = Headbutt01E = Horn Attack01F = Fury Attack020 = Horn Drill021 = Tackle022 = Body Slam023 = Wrap024 = Take Down025 = Thrash026 = Double Edge027 = Tail whip028 = Poison Sting029 = Twineedle02A = Pin Missle02B = Leer02C = Bite02D = Growl02E = Roar02F = Sing030 = Supersonic031 = Sonic Boom032 = Disable033 = Acid034 = Ember035 = Flamethrower036 = Mist037 = Water Gun038 = Hydro Pump039 = Surf03A = Ice Beam03B = Blizzard03C = Psybeam03D = Bubble Beam03E = Aurora Beam03F = Hyper Beam040 = Peck041 = Drill Peck042 = Submission043 = Low Kick044 = Counter045 = Seismic Toss046 = Strength047 = Absorb048 = Mega Drain049 = Leech Seed04A = Growth04B = Razor Leaf04C = Solar Beam04D = Poison Powder04E = Stun Spore04F = Sleep Powder050 = Petal Dance051 = String Shot052 = Dragon Rage053 = Fire Spin054 = Thundershock055 = Thunderbolt056 = Thunder Wave057 = Thunder058 = Rock Throw059 = Earthquake05A = Fissure05B = Dig05C = Toxic05D = Confusion05E = Psychic05F = Hypnosis060 = Meditate061 = Agility062 = Quick Attack063 = Rage064 = Teleport065 = Nightshade066 = Mimic067 = Screech068 = Double Team069 = Recover06A = Harden06B = Minimize06C = Smokescreen06D = Confuse Ray06E = Withdraw06F = Defense Curl070 = Barrier071 = Light Screen072 = Haze073 = Reflect074 = Focus Energy075 = Bide076 = Metronome077 = Mirror Move078 = Self Destruct079 = Egg Bomb07A = Lick07B = Smog07C = Sludge07D = Bone Club07E = Fire Blast07F = Waterfall080 = Clamp081 = Swift082 = Skull Bash083 = Spike Cannon084 = Bind085 = Amnesia086 = Kinesis087 = Egg Lay088 = Hi Jump Kick089 = Glare08A = Dream Eater08B = Poison Gas08C = Barrage08D = Leech Life08E = Sweet Kiss08F = Sky Attack090 = Transform091 = Bubble092 = Dizzy Punch093 = Stun Spore094 = Flash095 = Psywave096 = Splash097 = Acid Armor098 = Crabhammer099 = Explosion09A = Fury Swipes09B = Bonemerang09C = Rest09D = Rock Slide09E = Hyper Fang09F = Reserve0A0 = Conversion0A1 = Tri-Attack0A2 = Rage Fang0A3 = Slash0A4 = Substitute0A5 = Frustration0A6 = Sketch0A7 = Triple Kick0A8 = Thief0A9 = Spider Web0AA = Mind Reader0AB = Curse0AC = Flame Wheel0AD = Snore0AE = Curse0AF = Flail0B0 = Conversion0B1 = Aero Blast0B2 = Cotton Spore0B3 = Resurrection0B4 = Grudge0B5 = Powder Snow0B6 = Protect0B7 = Mach Punch0B8 = Scary Face0B9 = Faint Attack0BA = Lovely Kiss0BB = Belly Drum0BC = Sludge Bomb0BD = Mud Slap0BE = Octazooka0BF = Spikes0C0 = Spark Cannon0C1 = Foresight0C2 = Destiny Bond0C3 = Perish Song0C4 = Frozen Wind0C5 = Abandon0C6 = Bone Crush0C7 = Lock On0C8 = Imperial Wrath0C9 = Sandstorm0CA = Giga Drain0CB = Endure0CC = Charm0CD = Rollout0CE = False Swipe0CF = Swagger0D0 = Milk Drink0D1 = Spark0D2 = Fury Cutter0D3 = Steel Wing0D4 = Mean Look0D5 = Attract0D6 = Sleeptalk0D7 = Heal Bell0D8 = Return0D9 = Present0DA = Frustration0DB = Safeguard0DC = Pain Slit0DD = Sacred Fire0DE = Magnitude0DF = Dynamic Punch0E0 = Mega Horn0E1 = Dragon Breath0E2 = Baton Pass0E3 = Encore0E4 = Pursuit0E5 = Rapid Spin0E6 = Sweet Scent0E7 = Iron Tail0E8 = Metal Claw0E9 = Strike Throw0EA = Morning Light0EB = Photosynthesis0EC = Moonlight0ED = Hidden Power0EE = Cross Chop0EF = Twister0F0 = Rain Dance0F1 = Sunny Day0F2 = Crunch0F3 = Mirror Coat0F4 = Suggest0F5 = ExtremeSpeed0F6 = Atomic Power0F7 = Shadow Ball0F8 = Future Sight0F9 = Rock Smash0FA = Whirlpool0FB = Beat Up0FC = Cat Deceit0FD = Clamour0FE = Store0FF = Spit Out100 = Swallow101 = Hot Wind102 = Hail103 = Ichamon104 = Flatter105 = Will-o-Wisp106 = Parting Gift107 = Bravado108 = Fighting Punch109 = Resuscitation10A = Stop this Finger10B = Nature Power10C = Electrification10D = Provoke10E = Help Out10F = Trick110 = Morph111 = Wish112 = Cat Paw113 = Stick114 = Stupid Strength115 = Magic Coat116 = Recycle117 = Revenge118 = Riverbed Split119 = Yawn11A = Beat Down11B = Daredevil11C = Erupt11D = Skill Swap11E = Seal11F = Refresh120 = Malice121 = False Swipe122 = Secret Power123 = Dive124 = Thrust125 = Camouflage126 = Firefly Light127 = Luster Purge128 = Mist ball129 = Feather Dance12A = Hula Dance12B = Blaze Kick12C = Mud Play12D = Ice Ball12E = Needle Arm12F = Idle130 = Hyper Voice131 = Toxic Fang132 = Break Fang133 = Blast Burn134 = Hydro Cannon135 = Comet Punch136 = Surprise137 = Weather Ball138 = Aroma Therapy139 = Crocodile Tears13A = Air Cutter13B = Overheat13C = Sniff Out13D = Rock Seal13E = Silver Wind13F = Metal Note140 = Grass Whistle141 = Tickle142 = Cosmo Power143 = Spout144 = Signal Beam145 = Shadow Punch146 = Supernatural Power147 = Sky Upper148 = Sand Hell149 = Absolute Zero14A = Muddy Stream14B = Seed Machinegun14C = Swallow Return14D = Ice Needle14E = Iron Wall14F = Block150 = Howling151 = Dragon Claw152 = Frenzy Plant153 = Build Up154 = Spring155 = Mad Shot156 = Poison Tail157 = Desire158 = Boltech159 = Magical Leaf15A = Water Play15B = Meditation15C = Leaf Blade15D = Dragon Dance15E = Rock Blast15F = Electric Shock160 = Water Surge161 = Doom Desire162 = PsyBoost

Misc Cheats

Have all 8 badges (Cheat type: GameShark V3/Action Replay)How to use: Activate the cheat, battle with someone and after that, enter any building/house, check your Trainer card. If no badges appear, go out the building and enter again, do this at least five times and check again.

Cheat Code:

EFCE867D 5403D40DInfinite Money 999,999Preview:

Cheat Codes:Master codes (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)

3AF85ACA C4D18CEC8E883EFF 92E9660DInstant 999,999 Money (Cheat type: Code Breaker)

820257BC 423F820257BE 000FInstant 999,999 Money Alternative (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)

29C78059 96542194Walk Through Walls (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)Preview:

Cheat code:

509197D3 542975F478DA95DF 44018CB4Warp/Teleport To Different Locations (Cheat type: Code Breaker)Instructions: Replace yyyy with your desired location IDCheat code

82031DBC yyyyDigit:

-Bank 0-0000- Battle Link Center0100- Trade Link Center0200- 4-Way Data Swap Center0300- 4-Way Battle Center0400- Something you need a wireless adapter for

-Bank 1-0001- Viridian Forest0101- Mt. Moon (1)0201- Mt. Moon (2)0301- Mt. Moon (3)0401- S.S. Anne Entrance0501- S.S. Anne (1)0601- S.S. Anne (2)0701- S.S. Anne (3)0801- S.S. Anne (4)0901- S.S. Anne (5)0A01- S.S. Anne (6)0B01- S.S. Anne (7)0C01- S.S. Anne (8)0D01- S.S. Anne Rooms (1)0E01- S.S. Anne Rooms (2)0F01- S.S. Anne Rooms (3)1001- S.S. Anne Rooms (4)1101- S.S. Anne Rooms (5)1201- S.S. Anne Rooms (6)1301- S.S. Anne Rooms (7)1401- S.S. Anne Rooms (8)1501- S.S. Anne Rooms (9)1601- S.S. Anne Rooms (10)1701- S.S. Anne Rooms (11)1801- S.S. Anne Rooms (12)1901- S.S. Anne Rooms (13)1A01-S.S. Anne Rooms (14)1B01-S.S. Anne Rooms (15)1C01-S.S. Anne Rooms (16)1D01-S.S. Anne Rooms (17)1E01- Underground Path Entrance (Route 5)1F01- Underground Path (Cerulean-Vermilion)2001- Underground Path Entrance (Route 6)2102- Underground Path Entrance (Route 7)2202- Underground Path (Celedon-Lavender)2302- Underground Path Entrance (Route 8)2402- Digletts Cave (Route 2)2502- Digletts Cave2602- Digletts Cave (Route 11)2702- Victory Road (1)2802- Victory Road (2)2902- Victory Road (3)2A02- Team Rocket Hideout (1)2B02- Team Rocket Hideout (2)2C02- Team Rocket Hideout (3)2D02- Team Rocket Hideout (4)2E02- Team Rocket Hideout Elevator2F02- Silph Co (1)3002- Silph Co (2)3102- Silph Co (3)3202- Silph Co (4)3302- Silph Co (5)3402- Silph Co (6)3502- Silph Co (7)3602- Silph Co (8)3702- Silph Co (9)3802- Silph Co (10)3902- Silph Co (11)3A02- Silph Co (Elevator)

-Bank 2-0002- Mystery Island 80102- Battle Tower?0202- Battle Tower?0302- Battle Tower?0402- Battle Tower?0502- Battle Tower?0602- Battle Tower?0702- Cerulean City Pokecenter0802- Battle Tower?0902- Battle Tower0A02- Battle Tower0B02- Battle Tower0C02- Island 8 Cave (1)0D02- Island 8 Cave (2)0E02- Island 8 Cave (3)0F02- Island 8 Cave (4)1002- Island 8 Cave (5)1102- Island 8 Cave (6)1202- Island 8 Cave (7)1302- Island 8 Cave (8)1402- Island 8 Cave (9)1502- Island 8 Cave (10)1602- Island 8 Cave (11)1702- Island 8 Cave (12)1802- Island 8 Cave (13)1902- Island 8 Cave (14)1A02- Island 8 Cave (15)1B02- Island 8 Cave (16)1C02- Island 8 Tomb (1)1D02- Weepth Chamber1E02- Dilford Chamber1F02 – Scufib Chamber2002- Rixy Chamber2102- Viapois Chamber2302- Tanoby Key2402250226023A02- Island 9

-Bank 3-0003- Pallet Town0103 – Viridian City0203 – Pewter City0303 – Cerulean City0403 – Lavender Town0503 – Vermilion City0603 – Celedon City0703 – Fuchsia City0803 – Cinnabar Island0903 – Indigo Plateau0A03 – Saffron City0B03 – Neo-Saffron City0C03 – Island 10D03 – Island 20E03 – Island 30F03 – Island 41003 – Island 51103 – Island 61203 – Island 71303 – Route 11403 – Route 21503 – Route 31603- Route 41703- Route 51803- Route 61903- Route 71a03- Route 81b03- Route 91c03- Route 101d03- Route 111e03- Route 121f03- Route 132003- Route 142103- Route 152203- Route 162303- Route 172403- Route 182503- Route 192603- Route 202703- Route 212803- Neo Route 212903- Route 222A03- Route 232B03- Route 242C03- Route 252D03- Island Route (1)2E03-2F03-3003-3103-3203-3303-3403-3503-3603-3703- Island Route (5)3803-3903-3A03-3B03-3C03-3D03- Island Route (6)3E03- Trainer Tower3F03- Canyon Entrance4003- Sevault Canyon4103- Island Route (7)4203- Your House (F1)4303-4403- Rivals House

-Bank 4-0004- Your House (F1)0104- Your House (F2)0204- Rivals House0304- Prof Oak’s Lab

-Bank-50005- Viridian House0105- Viridian GYM0205- Schoolhouse0305- Viridian Mart0405- Viridian Pokecenter0505- Viridian CC

Bank 60006- Museum (F1)0106- Museum (F2)0206- Pewter Gym0306- Pewter Mart0406- Pewter House (1)0506- Pewter Pokecenter0606- Pewter CC0706- Pewter House (2)

Bank 70007- Cerulean House (1)0107- Robbed House0207- Cerulean House (2)0307- Cerulean Pokecenter0407- Cerulean CC0507- Cerulean Gym0607- Bike Shop0707- Cerulean Mart0807- Cerulean House (3)0907- Cerulean House (4)

Bank 80008 – Lavender Pokecenter0108 – Lavender CC0208 – Lavender House (1)0308 – Lavender House (2)0408 – Name Rater0508 – Lavender Mart

Bank 90009 – Vermilion House (1)0109 – Vermilion Pokecenter0209 – Vermilion CC0309 – Pokemon Fan Club0409 – Vermilion House (2)0509 – Vermilion Mart0609 – Vermilion Gym0709 – Vermilion House (3)

000A – Celedon Shop (F1)010A – Celedon Shop (F2)020A – Celedon Shop (F3)030A – Celedon Shop (F4)040A – Celedon Shop (F5)050A – Celedon Shop (F6)060A – Celedon Shop (Elevator)070A – Game Freak HQ (1)080A – Game Freak HQ (2)090A – Game Freak HQ (3)0A0A- Game Freak HQ (4)0B0A – Game Freak HQ (5)0C0A – Celedon Pokecenter0D0A – Celedon CC0E0A – Celedon Game Corner0F0A – Celedon Prizes100A – Celedon GYM110A – Celedon Diner120A – Celedon House

-Bank B-000B – Safari Zone Gate010B – Fuchsia Mart020B – Safari Meeting Room030B – Fuchsia GYM040B – Fuchsia House050B – Fuchsia Pokecenter060B – Fuchisa CC070B – Wardens Home080B – Fuchsia House (2)090B – Fuchsia House (3)

-Bank C-000C – Cinnibar GYM010C – Cinniber Lab (1)020C – Cinnibar Lab (2)030C – Cinnibar Lab (3)040C – Cinnibar Lab (4)050C – Cinnibar PC060C – Cinnibar CC070C – Cinnibar Mart

-Bank D-4F00 – Indigo Plateau Pokecenter/Mart5000 – Loreli5100 – Bruno5200 – Agatha5300 – Lance5400 – Gary5500 – Hall O Fame

-Bank E-000E – Copycats House (F1)010E – Copycats House (F2)020E – Fighting Dojo030E – Saffron GYM040E – Saffron House (1)050E – Saffron Mart060E – Saffron PC070E – Saffron CC080E – Saffron House (2)090E – Saffron House (3)

Bank F00 – Viridian Forest Entrance01 – Route 2 House02 – Route 2 Gate03 – Viridna Forest Exit

Bank 100010 – Route 4/Mt. Moon Pokecenter0110 – Route 4/Mt. Moon CC

Bank 110011- Day Care Man

Bank 120012 – Route 6 Gate0112 – Route 6 Unused House

Bank 130013 – Route 7 Gate

Bank 140014 – Route 8 Gate

Bank 150015 – Route 10/Rock Tunnel Pokecenter0115 – Route 10/Rock Tunnel CC

Bank 160016 – Route 11 Gate F10116 – Route 11 Gate F2

Bank 170017 – Route 12 Gate F10117 – Route 12 Gate F20217 – Route 12 House

Bank 180018 – Route 15 Gate F10118 – Route 15 Gate F2

Bank 190019 – Route 16 House0119 – Route 16 Gate F10219 – Route 16 Gate F2

Bank 1A001A – Route 18 Gate011A – Route 18 Gate F2

Bank 1B001B – Route 19 Unused Home

Bank 1C001C – Route 22/23 Gate

Bank 1D001D – Route 23 Unused House

Bank 1E001E – Bill’s Sea Cottage

Legendary Pokemon Teleport Locations (Cheat type: Action Replay)Mt. Ember (Moltres)

23ADAABA A9000BEBSeafoam Islands (Articuno)

BC4AFF82 6C4609A2Power Plant (Zapdos)

EA5BB107 05E634BBOne Island (Mewtwo)

A6A339F5 FC0ADC79(Fix the Time Machine to enter Unknown Dungeon to get Mewtwo)

Shared by Bryan BakerNavel Rock (Ho-Oh and Lugia)

82031DBC 2402Birth Island (Deoxys)

554D9257 D0472EF8Sharer’s note: (I can’t help on the Deoxys puzzle on Birth Island, sorry)

(In Navel Rock, continue going straight up in the cave until there are two paths at the end: left is Ho-Oh, right is Lugia. You can battle both of them in any order, since there are only two of them.)

Catch/Steal opponent’s Pokemon (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)Cheat code:

4D83B1BF E0F5F5078E883EFF 92E9660DB6C5368A 08BE8FF490B4977C C0151DC2Important: Press L+R before using the Pokeball.

Fast Egg HatchingNote: Eggs will hatch within 5-10 steps

Master code

97726CAE91848F7AAA5C15FEB85E5A770386Fast egg hatching


Shared Cheats

Get All fossils in Mt Moon (Shared by liquidNitro90)Note: Get All fossils in Mt Moon by using the same get all 3 starter pokemon

83000F9C 0000Thanks Samuel for verifying the cheat

Wild Encounter 2 MOD (Shared by Ren2x023)Note: Pokemon encountered using Rod, Sweet Scent, etc.

1003DAE6 000783007D12 0ZZZ33007D14 00YY33007D15 001FZZZ – Pokemon CodeYY – Pokemon LVL1F – Max IV

Pokemon Received MOD (Shared by Ren2x023)Note: Activate only upon receiving Pokemon. e.g. Starter Pokemon, Fossils, etc.

1003DAE6 000783007D4E 0ZZZ33007D50 00YY33007D51 001FZZZ – Pokemon CodeYY – Pokemon LVL1F – Max IV

Cheating Best Practices

  • Activate one cheat at a time
  • Turn off cheat after using
  • Use a US version FireRed ROM if possible
  • Use recommended GBA emulators, GBA4ios (iOS), My Boy (Android) and Visual Boy Advance (Windows), and RetroArch/mGBA (Mac OS)
  • Save the current game state before activating any of the listed cheats
  • After activating a cheat – Check your bag; if you notice irregularities, DON’T save the game
  • Cheats may still work even after deactivation. If that happens, save progress, close your emulator, and reopen the game
  • In some cases, some cheats do not work after enabling. You can try going in and out of any doors/entrances at least 5 times and check your PC again to see the item.

For Beginners, we also suggest reading these posts:

  • Beginner’s Guide
  • 5 Best Pokemon FireRed Cheats We Recommend Using
  • 5 Must Avoid Cheats When Playing Pokemon GBA Games

For your ease of access to the following listed Pokemon FireRed cheat codes, you can bookmark or share this page to your social media accounts for future reference.

Popularly Used Pokemon Fire Red Cheats

  • Walkthrough walls (Ghost cheat)
  • Shiny Pokemon
  • Rare Candy Cheat
  • Max Stats
  • Items cost only $1
  • TM & HM Items
  • Steal the opponent’s pokemon
  • Easily Catch a Pokemon
  • Money Cheat (Check Pokemart)
  • Infinite EXP
  • Wild Pokemon Modifier
  • Masterball Cheat
  • Legendary Pokemon Encounter

Listed are the popularly used Pokemon FireRed cheats. However, we don’t recommend pairing or mixing the cheats with each other as this can cause serious issues in your game.

Though the pairing of cheats can work, only on selected cheats. You are welcome to do your own experiment, but make sure to save progress before proceeding.

Note to Delta Emulator for iOS Users

Since its release on the Apple app store, Delta Emulator has been the best GBA emulator for iOS. We checked and tested these cheats, and they work great without any problems!

Just remember, you need the right version of the game, which is usually “FireRed Squirrels” or any FireRed English ROM with version 1.0.

There aren’t many cheats that work for the newer FireRed v1.1, so try using v1.0. Also, when you put in the cheats, choose only Codebreaker or Action Replay. Action Replay and GameShark can be interchanged. However, we found that Action Replay cheats are the best because they don’t cause as many glitches.

My Boy free version users

Unfortunately, some cheats will not work for you, specifically those with multiple-liner cheat codes. You need the paid version of the app for it to work fully.

However, there’s a simple solution to this problem you only need to enter those lines of code as a separate cheat. I created a guide explaining all the details on how to do the trick; check out How To Enable Multiple-Liner Cheat Codes on My Boy Free Version or watch this Youtube video to see the tutorial in action.

Cheat Videos – See cheats in action

  • Pokemon FireRed Walk Through Walls cheat
  • Pokemon FireRed Rare Candy Cheat
  • Pokemon FireRed All Pokeball Cheat
  • Pokemon FireRed Legendary Pokemon Cheats
  • Pokemon FireRed Shiny Wild Pokemon Cheat
  • Pokemon FireRed Level Modifier Cheat
  • Pokemon FireRed Money Cheat
  • Pokemon FireRed Teleport/Warp Cheat
  • Steal Trainer’s Pokemon Cheat
  • Pokemon FireRed Infinite EXP Cheat


The FireRed Squirrels version or the FireRed V1.0 (U) is one of the most downloaded Pokemon game titles and the version that supports the listed cheat codes on this page.

However, we don’t share such files on this website; it is illegal to share rom files; it is considered piracy. Although you can see a lot of sites massively giving out these files, we strive to keep Pokemoncoders a legit resource as much as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Use Cheats in Pokemon Fire Red

Open your GBA emulator settings function, access the cheat feature, and add the cheat codes. Cheat types can be GameShark, Action Replay, or CodeBreakears. Many popular GBA emulators, including Visual Boy Advance, MyBoy, mGBA, and RetroArch, offer this feature, which is easy to use.

How to Use Cheats on Myboy Emulator

Tap on the menu icon, tap “Cheats” and tap on “New Cheat” to add a new cheat. Enter desired cheat name and the appropriate cheat code. The cheat type must be set to “Auto Detect” as MyBoy can automatically select the proper cheat type for you.

What is the reason for cheats not functioning in Pokemon FireRed?

There are multiple reasons why cheats may not work, but one of the most common issues is the ROM version. If you have FireRed V1.1, it’s possible that cheats will not function properly.

We have made an improvement to our list of codes. Luckily, and with the help of the community, we were able to discover the working Pokemon encounter code for FireRed V1.1.

How to Use Cheats on Visual Boy Advance Emulator

In your VBA cheats menu, click on “Cheats”, and select “Cheat list” to open the VBA cheating function. Choose the appropriate cheat type, and select either from GameShark or CodeBreaker. Enter cheat description and code. Finally, click “Ok” to activate the cheat.

Open your GBA emulator settings function, access the cheat feature, and add the cheat codes. Cheat types can be GameShark, Action Replay, or CodeBreakears. Many popular GBA emulators, including Visual Boy Advance, MyBoy, mGBA, and RetroArch, offer this feature, which is easy to use.

Tap on the menu icon, tap “Cheats” and tap on “New Cheat” to add a new cheat. Enter desired cheat name and the appropriate cheat code. The cheat type must be set to “Auto Detect” as MyBoy can automatically select the proper cheat type for you.

There are multiple reasons why cheats may not work, but one of the most common issues is the ROM version. If you have FireRed V1.1, it’s possible that cheats will not function properly.

We have made an improvement to our list of codes. Luckily, and with the help of the community, we were able to discover the working Pokemon encounter code for FireRed V1.1.

In your VBA cheats menu, click on “Cheats”, and select “Cheat list” to open the VBA cheating function. Choose the appropriate cheat type, and select either from GameShark or CodeBreaker. Enter cheat description and code. Finally, click “Ok” to activate the cheat.


The majority of these cheats have been tested by the Pokemoncoders team and are 100% compatible with the Pokemon FireRed (US) Squirrels version or FireRed V1.0. Try searching for and downloading the FireRed (US) Squirrels version if it doesn’t work.

That’s it for our entire collection of working Pokemon FireRed cheat codes for our valued readers. We’ve done our best to gather the available sets of cheats, but we know that there are certainly others out there that we missed.

If you’ve got a code that isn’t on this list, please share it with us in the comments area below!

Also, please let us know if the codes work for you. Success stories from our readers are always a treat for us. I wish you all the best in your gaming journey!

I’m a Pokemon fan since childhood, and I love watching Pokemon movies and TV series. When playing Pokemon games, I use emulators, and I very much enjoy a game when I use a cheat. Join me exploring the world of Pokemon gaming using cheat codes.

… 366. does this work on open emu?


  • I don’t recommend using OpenEmu if you wish to use cheats. Don’t get me wrong, OpenEmu is an excellent emulator for Mac OS, but its cheating feature isn’t fully supported. I recommend switching to mGBA as this works well with cheats in my experience as Mac user.

Reply 367. Is there a code that helps change the first purchase item in a pokemart to whatever item you want instead of infinite in pc? To avoid gliching the game with too much stock.

Reply 368. I’m playing on the myboy emulator and I can’t get the infinite masterball cheat to work. I know I’m on version 1.0 because I used the infinite money cheat. Is there a master code I’m not seeing here?


  • There’s no master code, simply add the code, go to your PC and withdraw the master balls.

Reply 369. Hi, im playing on the Delta Emulator and all the catched Pokémon with the shiny cheat on do not obey (shiny starter included), is there a reason for this Problem ?


  • That’s odd. Are you playing a ROM hack? After using the shiny cheat, disable or completely remove the cheat from your emulator. Everything should return to normal, and hopefully, those Pokemon that are not obeying will start to obey as well.


  • I’m playing on the 1.0 standard Rom, disabling the cheat didn’t change anything for the shiny pokemons, but the ones caught without the cheat are working fine, thanks for the help!


  • Good for you. In some emulators, the shiny cheat may remain active even after being disabled, but restarting the emulator should resolve the issue. However, based on your statement, it seems everything is working fine even the emulator is not restarted.

Reply 370. Infinite PP cheatcode doesn’t work with Pokemon Fire Red. Suggest to remove it. its misleading.


  • The cheat works for us and to many other players, Jidin. Unfortunately, many of these cheats do not function correctly on the V1.1 version, which might be the version of FireRed you have. I recommend looking for the V1.0 version or the Squirrels version, as these versions of FireRed are more compatible with cheats

Reply 371. Is there a solution for fixing pokemon not evolving when they are supposed too? So like totadile or mudkip won’t evolve if I cheat them in at the beginning of the game. Any answers for this would be helpful


  • Try battling them in the wild and gain experience to increase their level, the Pokemon will then evolve. Let me know if this works for you.


  • You have to beat the game before the next gen Pokémon will evolve.

Reply 372. When I was using the Pokémon modifier for fire red 1.1 when I tried to throw a pokeball the screen would go black and not work


  • Hello, Jacob! It’s possible that there are additional cheats enabled in your emulator, which may have caused the game program to become confused and resulted in a black screen. As I always advise my readers, it’s best to enable only one cheat at a time and promptly disable them once they are no longer needed.

Reply 373. i am using an abernic rg35xx so and the codebreaker codes don’t work like the master ball and the rare candy but the exp share one does and that doesn’t say codebreaker near the code so can someone please help?

Reply 374. I was wondering for the updated modifier 💥 is that code breaker or GameShark


  • Sorry for the confusion, but the cheat is a codebreaker cheat type. Codebreakers typically consist of 12 characters per line while Action Replay/GameShark has 16.

Reply 375. No matter what, all I can seem to get is modest nature on my wild pokemon.


  • To change the nature or even gender of a Pokémon, you need to restart your game and use the cheat again.

Reply 376. Meh. the tms & hms and infinite items in PC (the ones with 82025840 XXXX) doesn’t work at all.

Reply 377. Where can I find the pokemon codes (ids) I’m having trouble finding them as they are not in sequence so I can have them all if you can help with this on (master code of perfect Ivs) pls


  • The pokemon code id’s is at the top highlighted with blue. Just click the accordion and it will reveal all the codes. I believe it’s clearly visible.

Reply 378. I’m having issues with either shiny cheat I have version 1.1 which is probably why, is there an update to that cheat? The getting all three starters one works in 1.1 as does the infinite money and rare candies/masterballs in the pc but not that one.


  • Hey Adam, sorry but the shiny cheat does not work on v1.1. We haven’t found the code yet for the version yet, but we have working codes for Wild pokemon modifier that you might want to check.

Reply 379. I would like to get help on activating the Gangar cheat code on Pokémon Fire Red. Am using the iPhone Delta app. I tried inputting the code and saving it ( 83007CEE 005E) unfortunately it didn’t work and I would like some help please.


  • Thanks for coming here, Antonio. First, determine the version of your FireRed rom. If it is a V1.0 or the squirrels, use the cheat Master code (Code breaker) 000014D1 000A 1003DAE6 0007

Gengar cheat code (Code breaker) 83007CEE 005E

Or if you have v1.1, then use the cheat code MASTER CODE 1 (Add first in a separate cheat as Action Replay) 3AF85ACA C4D18CEC 8E883EFF 92E9660D

MASTER CODE 2 (Add also this in a separate cheat as Action Replay) 4D83B1BF E0F5F507 8E883EFF 92E9660D B6C5368A 08BE8FF4 90B4977C C0151DC2

Gengar cheat code (Code breaker) 83007CEE 005E

Hope this helps.


  • the shiny pokemon cheat codes do not work in delta, any help ?


  • May I know which FireRed version you are using? Unfortunately the cheat won’t work on V1.1. You need FireRed V1.0 or the squirrels version to make these cheats work. Although we have some few cheats working on v1.1 but for Shiny, it doesn’t work on v1.1.

Reply 380. Hello, thanks for the codes! Working very well in delta for iOS!! Im having trouble modifing the nature of wild encounter. In the example of charizard, i always got a lonely nature, using the same code for a dragonite i always got quiet nature. What i have to do?


  • Hi Lucas! Thanks for dropping by. I’m excited to hear that the cheats worked for you in Delta. Right now, the cheat will give you a fixed nature, but I’m working on improving the cheat. Stay tuned for some exciting updates!

Reply 381. The cheats are not working on Delta. I do not know the version of Pokémon Fire Red, would you be kind enough to help me ?


  • Certainly! You will need a FireRed v1.0 or FireRed Squirrels version. These versions work well with cheats and offer exceptional performance. Unfortunately, we currently have only one cheat available for version v1.1.

Reply 382. Both of the no wild battle codes don’t work for me

Reply 383. some of the codes for wild pokemon modifiers crash or freeze the game (v 1.1). i’ve tried a few different workarounds and it seems that for example squirtle does not work and automatically shuts the game down. are there any workarounds for this?

Reply Click to view cheatsPokemon Unbound Cheats

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  • FireRed Based ROM Hacks

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  • 10 Best Pokemon FireRed ROM Hacks

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  • Beginner’s Guide

  • Fixing Cheating Issues

  • All Pokemon game cheats

  • Pokemon FireRed Cheats

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  • Visual Boy Advance Download

  • Best GBA Emulators for Cheating


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